Monday, January 28, 2008

MONDAY -MARCH 30- 2009

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Conscious--conscious as in ((Non-capitalized)) consciousness
((CAPITALIZED technological understood)) Consciousness
.....That is "Consciousness" as in cosmic state of energy and matter ---Real Time Reality Set State experimental exploration and transformation discovered--- nature natural universal continual continuous ((zero degrees Kelvin)) BEC Particle Wave Thermal Rift established descriptive--definitive Time-Stream CONSCIOUSNESS.
.....Recognizing that within life as 'now' and _here_ communication timeless--timely set down within this "FLATWORLD REALITY" and "FAMILY REALITY" technological descriptive--definitive acknowledged autobiographic work --[my life and lifetime technological ~perspective exposed~ cosmic environmental universal exploration discovered 'Environmental Reality']-- REALIZATION implies some connection to the Creation if not the Creator...

.....As equitably UNDERSTANDING acknowledges a specific or and some general individual [i.e. social] separate -joined- united and divided Reality State focused willful developmental determination.

.....Such that the term-word CONSCIOUS -[capitalized or non-capitalized usage]- is a definitive acknowledged recognition of Man and Mankind's continual-continuous universal life line ((Reality Line)) brainbody Real Time Reality State biological Time Line life focus established consciousness -[non-capitalized common historic connotative usage descriptive]- realization configured understanding of actuality --- where-as...
.....The capitalized connotative descriptive technological definitive word-term "Consciousness" represents ((is)) offers a DLK universal life line multiple fractional Reality Line [fRL] CAM=T ((E=mc(squared) Bose-Einstein Condensate [BEC] loop)) multiple Reality State BRAINBODY ((BLMC--LLmf)) Reality Line [RL] Time-Stream timely--timeless developmental established cosmic realization configured REALITY understanding.

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